Chopper the Game – Rules
Starting the Game
- The person who rolls the highest number with the dice starts
- Each player starts with $200,000
- The Treasury is the financial institution and the Under World are all the Players
- The game plays out clockwise. Each player is the Under World. All relevant paying or receiving of monies with the Under World is with the player to your left.
- If you lose all your money you are able to get a $50,000 loan from the Treasury, ONCE only. You will receive, from the Treasury, $50,000 plus a Loan Card
- When you pay back the Treasury the $50,000, you also pay back 10% interest ($5,000) along with handing back the Loan Card.
- If you run out of money again, your are out of the game
- Treasury holds the bulk of monies and may pay out or receive monies from the Under World

Pub & Restaurant
- Every time a player lands on the PUB or the TOP CLASS RESTAURANT space, they are prompted to leave $5,000 on the BAR.
- The moneys left on the BAR can be won by any of the players Throughout the play of the game.
Dole Forms
- Each player receives 5 Dole Forms.
- The aim to winning the game is to be the first person to hand in all their Dole Forms.
- Dole Forms are handed into the Treasury each time you pass the Dole Office. Upon handing in your Dole Form you receive $30,000 from the Treasury.
- Note: 3 or 4 Dole Forms, as opposed to 5, if a shorter game is desired.

Game Play
- Each player takes a turn and moves the number of spaces on the dice.
- A player only enters the Jail, Courthouse, Massage Parlour, Tasmania or Police Station if they land on the space or a card, placing them there. Else the player keeps moving around the inside track of the board
H.H (Head Hunter Cards)
- If a player lands on a H.H. space, they pick up a card from the H.H. pile and follow the instructions on the card.

R.R. (Russian Roulette)
- If a player lands on a R.R. space, the player then chooses up to 3 other players to place their finger in the Russian Roulette, as well as their own.
- If any player pulls their finger out too early or is zapped by the roulette, then that player must pay each other player, of the roulette $10,000

- After landing on a Spinner space, spin the Spinner and follow the prompts

- If a player cheats, and is not caught, Happy Days.
- But if a player gets caught, the player has to pay all other players $5,000 each.
- Cheating includes: Stealing money, not missing a go, not paying a fine, not paying the full fine, or whatever else you think you might be able to get away with, BEFORE the next roll of the dice.
Winning the Game
- The player who hands in all their Dole forms first, is the WINNER.
Speed Readers
- $200,000 start money
- 5 Dole Forms Each
- Player to the left is the Under World
- Treasury (Money Department)
- $50,000 Loan Card (use once)
- Land on Pub or Restaurant, Leave $,500 on the bar
- Hand Dole Forms in at the Dole Office (Treasury), receive $30,000
- Follow prompts on spaces of the board
- H.H Head Hunter Cards
- R.R Russian Roulette, get zapped with 3 others
- Spinner, Spin
- Cheat, if you want to or if you can
Speed Readers
- $200,000 start money
- 5 Dole Forms Each
- Player to the left is the Under World
- Treasury (Money Department)
- $50,000 Loan Card (use once)
- Land on Pub or Restaurant, Leave $,500 on the bar
- Hand Dole Forms in at the Dole Office (Treasury), receive $30,000
- Follow prompts on spaces of the board
- H.H Head Hunter Cards
- R.R Russian Roulette, get zapped with 3 others
- Spinner, Spin
- Cheat, if you want to or if you can